In order to better love and serve you this year, I created a short reader survey to help inform the content I create as I continue to follow God’s call on my life to write and speak for Him.
Because I still have a full-time job outside of ministry, one of the things that I am always thinking about is balance. How can I honor God with my time and serve Him while also making space for the people and things I love? How can I organize my days to devote more time to what God has called me to do? What should I be devoting time to in the first place? These are the questions I ask myself on a routine basis.
I’ve been blogging for years, but I just relaunched my site last October. Since that time, I’ve been really wrestling with how often to post here on the blog. Many of you know I am in the process of getting my first book published, I have a podcast and I speak at events, too. Having all of these passions while having a full-time job and a family can pull my heart in a lot of different directions.
So I’ve been praying about how often I should be posting to the blog. God, should I post once a week instead of twice a week? Or should I keep doing what I’m doing since it’s working so well? In January, I felt God nudging me to trust Him and dial down to one blog post a week. That was before I sent out the survey.
As if confirmation straight from God wasn’t enough, He also used you guys to confirm what I was feeling in my heart — that one blog post a week is just fine. (See below image from the survey results.) Even though this freaks me out a bit, I know that because this is what God is asking me to do the world will not end. My readership will not tank just because I’m only posting to the blog once a week. And it will free up a little bit more time for me to create books and products that can inspire and encourage you!
Dialing down to one post a week will also give my soul more space to breathe. And ya’ll … If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that our souls need time and space to breathe. But we have to be willing to give them the space. We have to be willing to let things go from time to time. We have to trust that God is in control and in the end, He will take care of every little thing, regardless of what we do, so long as we are following His leading.
Here are a few more highlights from the survey:
To those of you who took the survey — thank you! It means the world to me that you would be willing to take a few minutes out of your day to give me feedback. I hope you understand and celebrate my decision to dial down to one blog post a week, and I also hope you’re excited about what that means for other things that are in store for my ministry this year!
A note about this week: I will still have two posts for this week because I have a new podcast episode coming out on Wednesday. Starting next week, however, the posts will be on Mondays — that includes podcasts posts, which I will now be combining with a blog post so that those of you who don’t listen to the show but prefer to just read the blog have something to look forward to, too! Contact me if you have any questions.
Bless you, dear friends. I can’t wait to release the next project I’m working on. Stay tuned!
XOXO, Lauren
I think you are amazing with all that you do. Finding balance is so hard. I am definitely struggling with that while I’m in college and supposed to be filling my time with study.
<3 P.s. I hope you are feeling better! I've been thinking of you and praying for you.
You’re the sweetest, Megan. Thanks for all your love and support. Wishing you a joy-filled week! <3
Looks like a great survey, Lauren.
Lots of wonderful results!
Wow, Lauren! I am so impressed! I had no idea you just relaunched your site in October…it’s gorgeous & you are doing a wonderful job with your ministry! Thanks for sharing your survey results. I am a blogger as well, and I was wondering if posting more frequently might be helpful….but it sounds like once a week works really well & it honestly does for me too! Thanks for all you do! <3