When I look back on the last 12 months, I’m amazed by what’s happened in 2015.
Some of what’s happened has been not so good. Some of what’s happened has been downright horrible. But when I look at this blog and think about you wonderful readers, all of that fades away because it’s been a wonderful year here on MakingLifeSweet.com.
2015 was a year of wonderful firsts for this blog. I’ve been blogging for around three years now, but to be honest this was the first year I started taking this blog, and my photography and writing seriously.
It was the first year I started developing recipes for brands (shoutout to Canyon Bakehouse and Snap Fitness!).
It was the first year I invested in photo equipment. (Go back and look at old recipes photos and you’ll see the magnitude of this transformation.)
It was the first year I started making meaningful connections and friendships with other food bloggers (shoutout to Stephanie of Girl Versus Dough and Cheyanne of No Spoon Necessary!).
It was the first year I exceeded 10,000 site views in a single month.
2015 was a year of major growth for me personally and professionally, and I just want to say I couldn’t be where I am today without all of you. To my readers: I LOVE YOU. Even if we’ve never met or you’ve never commented, Tweeted, Facebooked, Instagrammed or Pinterested me, I love you for who you are and for coming to this site to get inspiration for recipes and for your faith walk.
I am honored whenever take time out of your busy day to read something on MakingLifeSweet.com, and I am incredibly grateful for the community that’s formed around this blog. This New Year’s, I’m raising a glass to an even better 2016. Stay tuned for a reader’s survey coming in the next few weeks, which I will use to make this blog more inspiring, engaging and relevant. If you want to take part in this short reader’s survey, you can sign up for my newsletter here.
I know you’re probably when I’m going to get to the 10 most popular recipes of 2015, so without further adieu … let’s dive on in!