I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this, but up until a few months ago I never knew that espresso drinks could be made decaf.
Curried Chicken Salad
There was a time when I went months without having chicken salad.
The boycott happened after I got food poisoning from our local grocery store’s chicken salad. I don’t know if it had been left out too long or if the chicken was undercooked, but whatever was in it did not sit well with me at all.
Needless to say this experience left a pretty bad memory of chicken salad in my mind. I didn’t want anything to do with it for a long time. I didn’t like the sight of it, and I definitely didn’t like the smell of it. Despite this, my mom was willing to give the grocery store a second chance. One day she brought it home and used it to make a sandwich for lunch. All I could do was cringe when I saw her spread it over the bread. What can I say … I was a little kid. And little kids are impressionable. Things stick with them harder than they stick with adults sometimes I think (maybe it’s because adults have a lot more to think about — who knows!).
I’m happy to say however, after months of food therapy (kidding), I was able to start eating it again. I only had one stipulation: it had to be homemade.
Since that experience, I’ve spent years perfecting recipes for many variations of homemade chicken salad. One of them being this Curried Chicken Salad, which I recently developed for Snap Fitness. It’s a great way to mix things up and add some new flavor to a dish that can be a bit lackluster sometimes. Together the grapes, golden raisins, cashews and curry makes this variation of chicken salad simply irresistible. Read More
Summer Harvest Steak Salads, Garlic Bread + A Des Moines Roadtrip
Well, hello Monday.
You’re welcome to go away any time now. (Hands raised high if you’re with me.) You know those Sunday nights when you’re lying on the couch at 7:34 p.m. feeling like you didn’t even get a weekend? Well, that’s where I was last night as I wrote this post.
With a day trip to Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday and a church launch on Sunday, this weekend was full of adventure, emotion and wonder. But it was also downright tiring. The kind of tiring that makes you want to cook one of the easiest things on the planet: salads.
This Summer Harvest Steak Salad is full of flavor and the delicious veggies that are in season right now: tomatoes and sweet corn. Lately I feel like I have corn coming out of my ears (haha) for as much as the Mr. and I eat it. But I can’t stop, won’t stop eating it — this Midwestern girl loves her corn. The coasts have their seafood, and the South has its comfort food, but the Midwest? We have downright delicious corn.
Open-Face Heirloom Tomato Sandwiches AKA "The Kleinwich"
If you’ve visited Salt Lake City, you’ve experienced the deliciousness that is Utah honey butter.
The first time I visited my sister and her hubby in SLC, I was amazed by how many bees there were (Utah actually designated the honeybee as the official insect of the state back in 1983). I was also scared. I don’t think I’ve shared this story on the blog but many who are close to me know that I was attacked by bees when I was in junior high and stung 21 times.
So you can understand why I might dislike bees. I’m actually quite terrified of them. When one goes flying by me I feel my blood vessels constrict and my pulse skyrocket. There’s nothing I can do to control it other than remind myself that 1) not every bee is out to sting me and 2) at least they give us honey, so there is something to like about them.
Other than maple syrup and coconut sugar, honey is my go-to sweetener. It’s smooth, delightfully sweet and soothing. And it’s also one of the things that makes these Open-Face Heirloom Tomato Sandwiches SO GOOD.
You’re probably wondering why I’ve also dubbed them “The Kleinwich.” That’s because, while I wish I could take credit for this incredible recipe, all of the credit goes to my brother-in-law Korey Klein, who made this sandwich for me during my trip to SLC many years ago. Korey is not just a great cook, he’s a very talented photographer! Check out some of his latest work here.Read More
10 Verses for the Overwhelmed Spirit
I believe the best medicine for an overwhelmed soul is neither a glass of wine nor a shopping spree (although those things temporarily help every now and then). But no Cabernet Sauvignon or designer handbag can remedy the soul like God’s word can.
Last night, when I sat down to write a blog post, I was so overwhelmed with other things happening in life that I couldn’t focus on the task at hand. Instead of powering through like I normally do, I really felt God telling me to step back and devote myself to meditate on His word instead. So that’s what I’m doing today. I’m meditating on these 10 verses for the overwhelmed spirit. If you’re feeling frenzied today, I want to invite you to take a break and do the same.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 (ESV)
The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17 (NLT)
From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety. Psalm 61:2 (NLT) Read More
Peanut Butter Cookies
Some bakers favor making bread. Some bakers favor making cake. But this baker has and always will favor making — and eating — cookies. Especially peanut butter cookies.
When I’ve had a stressful day, when I need to focus, when I need to do something life-giving, I often turn to prayer and making cookies. As soon as I grab ingredients out of the pantry, I’m instantly transported back to my mama’s kitchen, where we often whipped up her famous chocolate chip cookies and talked about life, love and faith together.
In my mama’s kitchen I learned more than just how to bake. I learned everything I needed to know about the fruits of the spirit (Galatian 5:22-23). I learned how love can be demonstrated through acts of service. I learned to be joyful for all the Lord has given me. I learned that peace is something that’s available to us 24/7 in Jesus, if we are willing to tap into it. I learned to be patient and not grow angry when things didn’t go my way (particularly when I messed up the cookies). I learned that goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are not just words to throw around but a lifestyle to adopt.
I love the lessons that baking and kitchens can teach us about life. Advanced baking requires exercising the fruits of the spirit and reminds me to put those fruits into action outside of my kitchen too. When I think about kitchens, I am also reminded of their warm and inviting character — something I strive to mimic in my daily life.Read More