I held my breath as my sister opened the doors to her bridal shower, feeling nervous and eager to see her response to the party I’d planned for her. With a minimal food and decorations budget, I was limited in what I could do, but I tried to do my best with what I had.
“Sis … this is so great! I love it!” she smiled and reached out to hug me.
“Really?” I sighed with relief.
“Yes! Really, you didn’t have to go to all of the trouble…” she said, touching the burlap banner I had made that read “Ashley & Korey.”
“Nonsense. It was no trouble at all,” I replied.
And it was true — the shower had been a lot of work, but it was no trouble at all because it was a labor of love. I wanted my sister to know how much she was loved, and how excited we all were for her. This drove me to work hard and create something wonderful for her — something that would warm her soul.
Though I wish I could say I approached every labor of love with this kind of devoted time, care and enthusiasm, the truth is I don’t always give everything my all. Of course I believe in doing things right, but I’m no perfectionist and I like to do things efficiently. I thrive off of being efficient. It’s one of the things that enables me to work quickly and go above and beyond my to-do list every week. (Lovers of efficiency, can I get an amen?!)
While there’s nothing wrong with being efficient in some areas of life, I fear that sometimes the desire to be efficient can leak into our faith lives as well. Maybe you can relate to this. Say you want to serve but you don’t feel like you have the time. You want to share your faith with someone at work but are worried about what that could mean for your career. You want to cultivate deeper relationships, but your schedule seems too booked for it.
Let me share with you something that God has really been working on in me lately: Following Him isn’t always efficient or convenient — but it’s worth it!
Last week I received an email from a literary agent letting me know that while she was still interested in representing me, my book needed a little tidying up before she would fully consider it. I have to admit I was very discouraged when I first read this email.
“God … seriously I don’t have the time or energy for this. I’ve already been working on this for two years. Isn’t that enough?” I said.
Seconds later, the words of Colossians 3:23 echoed in my mind: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” (NIV)
God used this beautiful and inspiring message to help motivate me to keep giving things my all. But this message isn’t just for me … it’s for all of us!
You see God doesn’t want us to have an efficient faith. He doesn’t want us to just do things to get them over with. He wants us to represent Him well and devote ourselves to whatever He has set before us. So today friends, whatever it is you are working toward on behalf of the Kingdom, I want to encourage you to give it your all. See it as a labor of love and approach it like you would approach throwing a bridal shower for your sister (or for the guys out there putting together a fantasy football team).
Don’t go through the motions for the sake of being efficient in your faith life. Be willing to sacrifice your time and talents for the glory of His name and He promises: “whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” 2 Corinthians 9:6 ESV.
I want to make sure that in my life I am doing all for the glory of the Lord. Thanks for the reminder.
the Bible says that we are to do all things unto the Lord 😀
Beautiful reminder to do all things for His glory, working for Him and not man!
Amen Michele! Thanks for stopping by!
Wonderful post! I too often sacrifice authenticity and relationship for perfectionism and efficiency. Thank you for this reminder.
This is a great post! Definitely got me thinking about how I sometimes linger on projects for others but rush through my time with God. Thanks for sharing!
Great reminder! He gave us His best and we should always give Him our best in all that we do…even though we can’t beat God giving – as believers, we must represent Him well! Thanks for this post!
You’re right Ashlee, we definitely can’t beat God, but we can be image bearers of His glory, love and grace! Thanks for stopping by!
What a convicting reminder! Thank you for posting this!
This: “whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” So true, and really—the motivation I needed today. Thank you! Stopping by from Coffee for Your Heart 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Britta! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!!
I always read your posts and at the end feel like I can conquer the world. 😉 You are so motivating and inspiring! You inspire me to remember to do better, to be better… to take the time at the end of the day and thank Him for all the blessings I have. On a side note, I am sure your book WILL be fabulous! Just don’t give up! You are way to skilled a writer for that! Thanks for being you, girlfriend! You always put a smile on my face and a skip in my step! Cheers, my dear! <3
Oh sweet friend, we are truly kindred spirits! I hope we get to meet in person someday, but for now I am thankful the Internet has brought us together. Thank you for always being so encouraging and uplifting! It is a breath of fresh air, especially on life’s toughest days! I am glad you find value in what you read on this site. Like I said, it encourages me to keep writing! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for sharing such an insightful and inspiring post!
I’ve always said that in things of ministry, I tend to give 130%, but as I read your words, “He doesn’t want us to just do things to get them over with. He wants us to represent Him well and to devote ourselves to whatever He has set before us. ” I was convicted…
I think since I was younger, this can be what drives me, and of late, with how I have been going about my daily tasks, especially with blogging, it seems I’m back to just doing the thing to get it over with.
Thank you for spurring me on to “represent Him well and to devote myself to whatever He has set before me”.
Hi Karen! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart with us! Life can get so busy and it’s easy to go through the motions and just want to get things over with so we can move on to the next thing. I’ve been there. Cheers to embracing a slower, more intentional and thoughtful pace. Have a blessed day!
I love the insight:
“Following Him isn’t always efficient or convenient — but it’s worth it!”
So true! It’s commitment on our part but all things of love involve commitment and an investment of time.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Thanks for stopping by Jennifer and congrats on having to add another host to the SHINE blog hop! It’s really growing!
Such a timely post for me to read during this season! The reminder to give it all while working for the Lord is the swift kick in the backside I’ve been needing to hear as I have been feeling so overwhelmed in a few different areas which has caused me to just shut down and not really work at all! Thanks for the reminder that following Christ is worth it, even when it feels hard and overwhelming!