I didn’t know if I would have the courage write this blog post to you. But thanks to a lot of nudging from the Holy Spirit, and by God’s grace and strength, I know this is what I must do.
Before I let you in on some pretty big, exciting news, let me start by saying thank you. Thank you for being a part of this community. Thank you for sharing your heart with me week after week here on the blog and in the email newsletters. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Thank you for coming alongside me in prayer.
I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again: Writing may be something God has called me to, but you guys are one of the main reasons why I write. You are the reason why I stay up editing podcasts when I get home from working my full-time job. You are the reason why I pour my soul out week after week, in the hopes that my story might inspire and encourage you in your own faith journey.
So thank you. Thank you for being here and thank you in advance for supporting me in what I’m about to share with you.
When I first met my husband eight years ago, I had no idea how our story would unfold. But I did know two things: one, he loved me; and two, he wanted to be a business owner someday. After moving from Indiana to the great state of Minnesota and then to Iowa, I knew three things: one, he loved me; two, he still wanted to be a business owner; and three, we wanted to settle somewhere warm — a place with plenty of beach and mountain scenery to go around.
From the day our moving truck unloaded our belongings here in Des Moines, we knew this city was only a chapter in our journey. We just didn’t know how long we’d be here.
Lord, please speak to my husband when the time is right to move. You know our hearts and what we desire, but we also want Your will to be done, so we will stay here until you say go.
In January, a year and a few months after we’d moved, my husband came to me and said, “I think it’s time.”
He’d already been looking at businesses to acquire for more than a year, and this time, the Lord brought a venture to him that was too good to ignore.
Five months later, I am thrilled to let you in on our little secret:
My husband bought a business in Raleigh and we are moving to North Carolina!
Ya’ll, I can’t even begin to explain how God-breathed this move is. First of all, the timing is not what I expected. I thought for sure we’d be in Des Moines at least another year, and I had made peace with that potential reality. Second of all, I had just got a book agent and started working on my second manuscript (we’re saving the first for a later book). A move would mean a definite pause in the progression of that manuscript. Third of all, my life has been insanely stressful this year … I thought for sure we’d move once things settled down a bit — not in the middle of the chaos!
But God works and moves in mysterious ways, and as I’ve watched this whole thing unfold I can’t deny this is the path He has for us.
Many of you know my focus for this year has been on loving God, my husband and others well. Sometimes loving well looks like taking a leap of faith, even when you’re unsure of what the road ahead will hold. Here’s what I’ve learned: Sometimes loving well looks like taking a step back and saying no to some things in order to say yes to the things that really matter. Sometimes loving well looks like making sacrifices for a greater purpose and plan. That’s where I’m at today, and that’s what makes this blog post so hard to write … because I know God has blatantly told me me to lay the blog and the podcast at His feet for a season.
Like I said before, the timing of this does not make sense to me. I just got a book agent. I’m supposed to be coming out with a book sometime in the next year or so. I shouldn’t be taking a break from my blog … that’s author suicide.
And yet, that’s what God has asked me to do.
So in faith, that’s what I’m going to do.
It’s a huge leap of faith — moving to North Carolina and taking a break from this blog — but I know it’s God’s will for me, and I know He’s going to do something amazing in the midst of it all.
My hope and prayer is that you would continue to stand by me in this transition. This isn’t goodbye forever, this is, as Tigger would say, simply “ta ta for now.” God has called me to ministry, and I don’t intend to walk away from it completely. I will still be on social media from time to time. I will still send emails. It’s just all going to look a little different for a little while, and that’s OK with me. I have a peace about this, because I’m saying yes to something God has called me to.
Has God asked you to say yes to something that seems scary or impossible? Here’s my encouragement to you today: Hear God out. Have a little faith.
God’s plans are to give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). He wants what’s best for us. He would never ask us to do something that wasn’t for our good. So, if you feel Him calling you to do something today, why not trust Him on it? Why not take a leap of faith and say yes to the call? You might not know where the road will lead, but you can be sure that God is with you. God has gone before you. And He will never leave you.
But the LORD is the one who is marching before you! He is the one who will be with you! He won’t let you down. He won’t abandon you. So don’t be afraid or scared!” -Deuteronomy 31:8 (CEB)
Speaking of loving well, please join Rachel Macy Stafford (AKA Hands Free Mama) and I on the latest episode of the Finding Joy Podcast as we talk about love, technology and living hands free.
In addition to talking about her new book, which you can enter to win a copy of below, in this episode Rachel and I discuss:
- How to set a positive example for the next generation about what it means to live in the present by being fully present.
- How to use technology as a tool and not a crutch.
- Practical ways to make space for the things that truly matter.
Rachel encourages us to make space for the things that truly matter in life, and forget about all the rest.
Finding Joy is a podcast dedicated to bringing you encouragement and inspiration in all of life’s moments — the good, bad and everything in-between.
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Hands Free Life
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Best wishes on your future endeavors. We look forward to seeing more from you here.
Thanks so much, Jaime! I’ll be itching to get back to writing and podcasting, but I know I need to rest and just be God’s daughter for a little while. 🙂 Blessings!
We are excited for you guys (y’all), Lauren, to come on down south! The air is warm and the people are amazing! Praying for you as you relocate and settle in. Asking God to bless you, your new business, your marriage, and your writing! Love you much~
Thanks so much, Melanie! SO happy for your move too. Praying over your family!
Lauren, I’m so excited for you in this new adventure. I’m going to miss you in this space and will anxiously await your return. Praying God’s abundant blessings on you and Alex as you move forward with your plans. Blessings and big hugs!
Thanks so much, Deb! It will be hard to be away from this space, but I know it’s what my soul needs for a season. Thanks for all of your friendship and support!
Oh my! How exciting! So thankful you are following God’s calling!
North Carolina is warm, sunny & we love it down here!
God moved us here 7 years ago!
Best Wishes to you & your Hubby!
Hi, Donna! We are already loving it! So thankful for the Lord’s provision in bringing us to this beautiful place.
Lauren, I’m excited for how powerfully God is working in your life! I look forward to seeing your new adventures unfold on Facebook. Blessings to you!
Thanks, sweet Sarah. Your friendship and support is such a gift. Many blessings to you as well!
I pray for all of God’s blessings on you and your husband’s new endeavors. Thank you for sharing your heart and for sharing your journey with us! Many, many blessings!
Thank you so much, dear Desiree. Blessings to you!
This post really spoke to my heart today. My husband is looking for a business and change of career. We also have been wanting to move to a warmer climate. Sometimes I get so impatient wanting it to happen sooner. The Lord still has us waiting for his direction. My prayer is that it would all come together soon but not my will but His be done. I am finding there is much I need to learn in the waiting zone.
All the best for the future .
Oh, girl. I feel ya on the impatient thing. Been there, done that. We waited for YEARS for this to happen, but looking back, I know God’s timing was perfect (it always is!) Hang in there, and wait for Him to move. He will! Praying for ya’ll.
Wow how exciting for you guys! You are so amazing for having such faith and trusting God with this step. I hope it will be a really easy and comfortable transition for you.
My faith is a gift from God, that’s for sure. HE is the amazing one!
Lauren, I am so stinkin’ proud of you. I know how difficult this decision must have been for you, but as you honor God….He will bless you. We’ve got to chose our families first, no matter what! I can’t wait to visit you in NC, one of my favorite places in the world.
<3 <3 <3 Love you, Sarah.
Hey congrats, I live in Chapel Hill or close to it, and have relatives in Raleigh. Have fun NC has great weather and from Raleigh to the beach is only about 2 hours, or head east to Jordan Lake for camp outs and the mountains are just round the bend about 3 to 4 hours away
That’s awesome, Debbie! We haven’t made it out to Chapel Hill yet, but I’ve heard it’s lovely out there!
God’s direction is the only reason I’m in North Carolina as well. I was laid off a job and was having difficulty finding another one. My prayers to God for a new job went unheeded–or redirected. However He did guide me to move in with my parents to be a caregiver/companion. My father passed away nine months after I came. no my mother continues to need my help. My kids and grandkids live in Seattle, where I moved from. I will eventually move back there, but for now my mother needs my presence. This has become my mission field!
Wow, Jo Ann! What a powerful story of surrendering to God’s will and learning to trust His plan over our own. I will be praying for you and your sweet mother. Blessings!
Thank you for sharing your faith journey. Your words have always encouraged and inspired me to love and follow God wholly and completely. Your experiences have truly resonated with me and helped me in times of struggle. I will definitely be waiting for when your return.
Thank YOU, Penny, for your support! It’s an honor to serve ya’ll in this space, and I look forward to returning in a few months. Many blessings to you! XO
Thank you for sharing! Thank you for obeying God! I pray that He will use you in a mighty way to further His kingdom
Thank you, Kelli. We covet your prayers!
Hello when I moved to Iowa 8 years ago I never thought I would stay but God had other plans
Hi, Kathy! God moves in mysterious ways, doesn’t He? But He is SO good to us. Praying His blessing over your family.
God Is Great!!
thank you and Gods Blessings
Such an inspiration!
Blessings to you, Lauren, as you step away from your blog into the new season God has for you. And blessings on your book!
Thank you, sweet sister. You are a blessing to me!
Blessings to you both in all these new endeavors.
Hello Lauren, thanks for sharing this information. It has helped me a lot!
Hi, Lewis! I am so glad this post could speak to you. Blessings!