Before day breaks. Before I plant two feet on the floor in the morning. Before I reach for the phone to see what time it is. I sit in silence. I peer out into the darkness and I whisper words of thanks to my Father.
It’s my favorite way to start the day, but as a recovering rusher, I have to be super intentional about this. Because while I love silence, I also love doing things. I am passionate about working hard for God’s glory and I love crossing things off my to-do list.
What God has been teaching me over the last several years, however, is that working hard for His glory also means making time for holy rest.
Walgreens might be open 24/7, but we were not made to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We were made to find rest in the shadow of His wings (Psalm 91). We were made to stop and consider God’s wonders (Job 37:14). We were made to find joy in the waiting and the stillness (Psalm 130:5). We were made to embrace Sabbath rest (Exodus 20:8-11).
When we flip back to the creation story, we see God’s original design for rest demonstrated in the way He created this world and everything in it. Genesis 2 tells us that “by the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
If our Creator made time to rest, why don’t we?
I don’t have all the answers to this question, but if I had to guess, I think culture is namely to blame. We live in a world that values productivity over anything else. But while we were made to bear fruit, we would be wise to realize that we bear fruit not when we work ourselves into the ground, but when we take the time we need to stay rooted and rested in Christ.
As a recovering rusher and productivity addict, I know what it feels like to burnout and let me tell you this: It’s not worth it. But rest? Rest is worth making time for. Every time.
In our resting, we aren’t just being obedient to God. We are freed to wonder. Free to find joy. Free to unplug. Free to recharge. Free to simply be. And that’s a beautiful thing.
Is your soul in desperate need of a vacation? Join Leah Adams and I today on the Finding Joy Podcast as we talk about the importance of making time for Sabbath rest and how to incorporate it into our lives.
In this episode of the Finding Joy Podcast, Leah and I talk about:
- The importance of Sabbath rest, and how making time for rest prevents us from burnout.
- Easy ways to make room for rest in our busy lives.
- How to mentor and serve from right where you are, using the gifts and talents God has given you.
Leah encourages us to make rest a priority in our lives, so that we can be spiritually healthy and do the work God has called us to do!
Finding Joy is a podcast dedicated to bringing you encouragement and inspiration in all of life’s moments — the good, bad and everything in-between.
Links from the Show
Rhythms of Rest: Finding the Spirit of Sabbath in a Busy World
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Lauren, what a blessing it is to be on your Finding Joy podcast today. Thank you!! I pray our conversation is a blessing to your listeners.
I’m a recovering rusher too! Love this sweet reminder to rest….