This weekend my husband took an impromptu roadtrip with one of his friends to Tennessee, so that meant you know what: Lots of God time, girltalk, playing with the puppy, Netflix, chocolate, ice cream and a few glasses of wine here and there. I missed my man like crazy, but I also got to relax and spend a few days doing absolutely nothing. It was glorious.
During my moments with God and in His word I spent nearly an hour in Romans, focusing particularly on Romans 1. It’s a passage I’ve read a thousand times, but for some reason, this time I got stuck on Romans 1:9. Paul writes: “God knows how often I pray for you. Day and night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart by spreading the Good News about his Son.”
I know God uses people and life events to speak to us, but I find that more often than not if I want to hear directly from the Lord, it’s best to open my Bible. When I think about spending time in God’s word this way, it never feels like a chore or something to check off a daily to-do list. Because I know that each day spent in scripture is a day to receive fresh perspective and truth from my Father.
The way Paul writes about prayer in Romans 1:9 is so beautiful to me. As I read the verse over and over again I could almost hear him speaking the words, “Day and night I bring your needs in prayer to God.” Day and night. Day and night. Not once and awhile. But all the time.
Can you imagine praying for others with that same kind of passion and devotion? My guess is if we are honest with ourselves, the majority of us (myself included) are more likely to pray that passionately for ourselves before we pray for others. I wonder what life would look like if instead of climbing into bed and reading off a laundry list of wants and needs to God, we placed our own stuff to the side and took a moment to lift up the needs of others first.
I know prayer is not the easiest thing for all of us, but just think: What if we prayed for others’ needs before we prayed for ourselves? What if we paid more attention to the needs of the people around us?
I’m not saying we shouldn’t take our needs to God or pray over our own lives. That’s important. But I think what Paul is getting at here in Romans 1:9 is this: Prayer is not just for ourselves. Prayer is for everyone. To be the hands and feet of Jesus is to be a light in the darkness. To lovingly and selflessly minister to our brothers and sisters. That means we follow through when we say we are going to pray for someone. And we commit to praying faithfully and habitually. We set reminders on our phone. We write requests down on a sheet of paper. So we will not forget. So that we can go to the Father on their behalf.
This week I’m committing to praying for others for 15 minutes each day. My hope is, as I begin to make more time to pray for others, that my devotion to putting others first would continue to grow. Would you join me in this?
These look amazing! We love meatball subs. And I love the message you are sharing along with them 🙂
Aww thank you, Chrystal! I’m glad you enjoyed both the recipe and the message. I’ve always blogged about faith, but I’m starting to incorporate it into my food posts, too. 🙂
This recipe looks so yummy! I love what you said here: “What if we prayed for others’ needs before we prayed for ourselves? What if we paid more attention to the needs of the people around us?” Beautiful message.
Thank you so much, Emily! I’m so glad this post could touch your heart today. <3
I have been craving some meatballs (bean balls!) lately! I need to make some!
Meat and bean balls are one of the things I crave all the time! You should definitely make some!
Praying for people does such wonders – it often changes my heart for them, brings opportunities to love them or serve them, and brings their needs to God. Great post, but now I’m hungry darn it! It sounds like you had a lovely weekend! I could use one of those SOON.
Yes! Great points, Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by and have a marvelous week!
I really enjoy reading your inspiring thoughts and that meatball sub is no slouch, either! Wow!
Thanks so much Kevin! I’ve always blogged about faith, but I’m starting to incorporate it into my food posts, too. I’m so glad you like it! Have a great week!
I absolutely LOVED this post of yours. I totally agree that when I start my day in the scriptures and listening to uplifting talks, I am edified and am truly able to be a more patient mother, wife and friend. I am also able to remember that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and that my will isn’t always his. We can get so bogged down especially in blogging with the numbers game and SO many things pulling us in so many directions but if we focus on WHY we blog and what the Lord has in mind for our voice, we will be so much more joyful in the end. <3
These look so delicious!
I think it’s easy to fall into the habit of only praying for our own needs (or those in our immediate circle) but it’s so important to support others in prayer. I find it’s easiest for me to remember to prayer for certain people/different groups if I link my prayer time with daily activities – things like praying for persecuted Christians/Christians in third world countries when I’m doing laundry (it reminds me because they wouldn’t have the luxury of a washer/dryer like me) or praying for our community whenever I’m walking to/from home to somewhere.
Fabulous post, Lauren! You are a gem.
Lauren, I love when God reveals himself like this. I want to teach myself and my children to pray for others before ourselves. It is a hard discipline to master!
Not only do the subs look amazing, they do. But the thoughts that you raised with your questions – those are inspirational. Thank you for the nudge!
I love this message (and the recipe!). My son is on a mission in Florida, and we only hear from him once a week via email. He also has a medical condition, so of course I worry more than usual! If we couldn’t pray for him, I would feel totally helpless. I think sometimes, praying is really all we can do for people–and God will do a better job of taking care of them than we could anyway. 🙂 Thank you for the reminder that there are other people who could use my prayers. I tend to focus on myself or my immediate family, but there are so many people I could be praying for.
These look delicious! Can’t wait to try them, I’m pretty sure my family would love them as well!
I love inspiring thoughts, every word is true food to our souls.
Beautiful post! And I totally agree! And I want these meatballs!! 🙂
Wow the meatball sub looks delicious!!!
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