Can I confess something to you?
Lately, I’ve been tempted to feel insignificant, irrelevant or even overlooked. Have you ever felt that way? For me, a big part of this stems from the struggle to balance motherhood, ministry and work.
To tell you the truth, the last three years it has felt like my ministry has been on life support. Sure, God has been kind to bring me speaking opportunities, and I so enjoy connecting with you all on social media, through the newsletter, or through the She Found Joy Podcast and retreat.
But the world feels increasingly disconnected. The digital experiences that once fostered connection, now oftentimes add to the noise.
A few weeks ago, upon learning that the publisher I was going to release my second book with is closing its doors, I found myself feeling like Michael W. Smith, once again just trying to find my place in this world (anyone else listen to “Place In This World” on repeat in the 90s?).
What am I doing? Where do I go from here? Where do I belong? Have I made the right choices for this season? The questions hit me like hail falling on a tin roof as the room spun around me like a wild carnival ride. Maybe you can relate or have been asking yourself similar questions in this season.
Trusting God When You Don’t Know the Next Step
Then I heard His voice. “Can you trust me even when you don’t know the next step to take? Even when there are seemingly no open doors to walk through? Even when the roadmap is unclear?” He whispered.
In our faith journeys, there are seasons where doors fling wide open and it feels like God puts neon arrows over certain decisions, relationships, callings, etc. Then there are other seasons, where the path before us feels very unclear. We might have general words from God about the direction of our lives, but the day in and day out of what we are doing, that is where it can get very hazy.
In this season, where I’ve been trying to find my place again in life, I find myself thinking a lot about Mary. She knew she was going to carry and give birth to Jesus. But she didn’t know the 1,000s of steps that were going to come after that.
Despite the unknowns, she stayed close to God’s heart, and loved the ones in front of her. And you know what? She didn’t miss out on God’s purposes for her life.
What a comfort. To know that, as it says in Proverbs 3:6, when we seek His will in all we do, He will show us which path to take. Day by day. Step by step. Breath by breath.
We don’t have to have all of this figured out. Let me say that again but in a different way: God is not asking us or expecting us to figure everything out. That’s why He sent the Helper. Because, oh how we need Him. Every hour we need Him.
Our True Purpose and Place In This World
In all the detours, delays and season changes, He is the author and finisher of our faith. We might not understand the point or reasons behind every season in life, but when everything is stripped away and we have nothing left to lean on, we remember that our true place and purpose in this world is to love and be loved.
For God so loved the world. For God so desperately wanted to restore us to sonship so that we could return to the garden and dwell in intimacy with Him. To once again be close enough to feel His heartbeat and drink in and delight in His love and all He is.
Our job is not necessarily to know where the road is leading, but to stay close to the One who is able to get us where we need to be. More than anything we do, more than any of the titles we wear — mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend — the most wonderful thing is that we’ve been given a place in Christ, the way to the Father, to dwell in eternal love.
If we never achieved anything. If we never checked anything off our dream list. Would it be enough to just be His? My prayer is that for everyone reading this, your answer would be yes. And hey, if you don’t understand the season you are in and are tired of the haze, you can ask Him: “Hey God, what are YOU doing in this season? What are you doing in my heart? Is there anything you’re trying to teach me?” He may or may not give you a ton of detail, but it never hurts to ask.
May His Word and presence be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path in this and in every season. You’re not alone in this journey. And if the path continues to remain hazy? Stay close to His heart. Be patient in the waiting. He’s not going to let you miss what He has for you.
P.S. 10 days ago, for KING + COUNTRY just released a remake of “Place In This World” feat. Michael W. Smith, which is wild to me, because I’ve been hearing this song in my spirit for the entire month of January. I do feel like many in the Body of Christ are in a season of great transition, trying to find their place in this world, so I hope my story and encouragement could bless some of your hearts today. Share this post with a friend who needs it!
Love you,
You are so right about Seasons. I used to ask God about this subject matter a lot but I won’t go into all of that. I just wanted to encourage you because You know God knows. He knows your ambitions and all of your dreams, and as you are in a season of young motherhood time, you have done a wonderful job. I don’t need to tell you that your Gift of writing and speaking is extraordinary and this talent my friend, will never go away. You will always have that, in any season of your life to come.
Just keep on keeping on.
from, the “Go Sister Go” team.
Yvonne! How lovely it is to hear from you. How are you doing?! Miss you and cherish the time we shared in NC last year. Your comment is such a blessing to my heart — thank you. I pray God blesses your current season with even greater levels of peace and joy in knowing how loved you are!!
https://bit.ly/3UYCwyf Huge selection!