Seven hours, two books and one Mediterranean restaurant detour after we left Des Moines last Tuesday, my husband and I finally made it home to be with family for Thanksgiving. Coming home is always a treat, but the older I get, the sweeter each trip becomes.
It’s been years since we moved away, and high school feels like another life … but when I drive through my old stomping grounds, the distant memories remind me of the person I used to be, and the amazing work God has done in my life.
I am not who I once was. Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. I am being made new every day. And so are you.
If there ever was a place in my hometown that restored my soul the most, it’d have to be the high school swimming pool. I was born a swimmer, and I’ll die a swimmer (God willing, of course). I love the water and everything about the sport — what it did for me and what it can do for others. That’s why every time we go home to Indiana, I try to stop by the pool. So last Wednesday morning, while most of the world remained sound asleep, I woke up to swim in the lanes I once raced in.
I always expect to see acquaintances at the pool, but last week, I ran into an old friend. Someone I hadn’t talked to in years. Someone who used to be a very close friend. Someone I wondered if I’d ever see again.
As we caught up, I thought about high school … about who we used to be and who we are today. Though our lives look completely different now, and we’ve gone our separate ways, I realized that we still have so much in common.
We both loved our families. We’re both pursuing our passions. We both want what’s best for this world and everyone living on it. We’re both just trying to do the best we can in life. And that’s a beautiful thing.
You see, no matter how different we are, we all have something in common. Our hearts long for similar things: abundant life, love, joy and happiness. And beyond that, no matter where we are in life, we are loved by the same Father — a Father who relentlessly pursues us and beckons us to believe in and follow after Him.
God is doing a work in all of our lives.
I know this, but I’m deeply reminded of it when I come home, as I mentioned earlier in this post. And here’s the thing: He is doing a work whether we believe in Him or not. Why? Because He loves us. He loves the Christian. He loves the non-Christian. He loves us all the same.
We Can Trust God, Because God Is Always At Work
When I was in high school, I couldn’t see God at work in my life. I often felt aimless and hopeless. Sometimes I wondered if God was even there. Did He care? Was He listening to me? Would He rescue me?
It’s been a decade since I started high school, and like I said before, I am not who I once was. Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you, Jesus.
In walking with the Lord over the last 1o years, I now understand and believe that not only does he care, listen and rescue — He is always at work. He never gives up on us. His love never runs out.
Knowing this has changed my life, because when trials come and I can’t see how things are going to turn out, I can trust and know that it’s all in God’s hands.
The same hand that came upon the prophet Ezekiel and breathed new life into dead, dry bones wants to breathe new life into us so that we can rise once again.
“Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.” Ezekiel 37:4-6 (NLT)
I don’t know what season you are in right now. Maybe you’re in a season of waiting. Maybe your world is full of doubt. Maybe you’re in a prolonged period of mourning. Or maybe every is just peachy keen. Regardless of where you stand today, I want to encourage you:
Don’t give up on God. Keep seeking Him. Keep believing in Him. And know that no matter what happens, He is always at work.
“Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.'” John 5:15 (NIV)
Take a few moments today to reflect on the work God has done in your life over the last several years. In what ways has God been on the move? Where have you seen life change? Looking to the future, how do you hope God will move? What areas of life do you want him to change? Ask Him to breathe new life into your dry bones. Ask Him to help you remember the great things He has done. Ask Him to help you learn to trust Him more deeply.
Lauren- thank you, I needed to hear this today! I’m so glad He’s always at work!
Hi, dear Julie! I’m so glad this post could speak to you. Praying for patience and peace over you today!
Amen! We are always and forever loved by God!
What a great reminder and a sweet word of encouragement, Lauren!
Amen! This is the HOPE of the world! 🙂
Good reminder, thanks so much!
I have a few things that aren’t making complete sense to me so this is a great reminder <3
Praying for God to grant you discernment as you lean into him during this time of uncertainty, dear Jessica! Trusting and believing He will do a great work in and through you, whatever the result is!
So thankful that no matter how old we get, He’ll still be always at work. Lovely post, Lauren. My youngest started high school this year, and it’s such a tender age. Hard sometimes for them to grasp that God is at work when things feel hard. — btw, we lived in Indiana for about 10 years. 🙂 In the Indy area. 🙂 — Great to be your linkup buddy at Angela’s place this morning. *hug*
Hi Brenda! So great to meet a fellow former Hoosier. 🙂 Can’t wait to connect more, and I’m headed over to your blog now.
Lauren, I love this quote: “I am not who I once was. Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. I am being made new every day. And so are you.” My high school years were painful and difficult. But I am a new creation in Jesus, and I can celebrate that every day! I still live in my hometown, and when I drive by the high school on a daily basis, I keep God’s faithfulness in mind.
By the way, you are the winner of my drawing for last week’s giveaway! Email me your address at and I will send the book on its way. Congratulations!
Hi, Sarah! I feel like I need to print that quote out and put it on the wall in my office as a daily reminder of God’s work and faithfulness. Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway! I am blessed and honored to have been picked for the book. Emailing you soon!
Lauren, I wish I had understood all this 10 years after starting high school! It’s such a blessing to be able to look at your life and be able to say, “I am not who I once was,” isn’t it? It’s like God gives us progress reports every now and then where we can clearly see places where we have grown and changed for the good. I’m glad you were able to reconnect with your friend at the pool and see what all you still have in common. 🙂
Thanks, Lois! God has been good to me, and even though I’ve been through a lot in the last 10 years, He has been faithful to use it for good! Blessings to you.
Lauren, thank you for this encouraging post. Amen! God is faithful! I love how His character is unchanging, and that helps me remember when trials come that He is the rock I can stand on. It’s the firm footing I need when life is shaking me. And then I remember He is always at work.
With as changing as our hearts are, it’s hard to imagine an unchanging character, isn’t it? But that’s part of what makes God so amazing! Blessings to you, Kelly, and thanks for stopping by.
Loving all these sayings! 🙂
Thanks so much!
Lauren, I am so thankful I clicked over from Holley’s link-up! I so needed this reminder today. It really struck me when I read the title of this post, because I had just made that comment to someone else…that God is always at work. This was such a needed confirmation to me. It is so hard to see that He is working in our lives, when everything seems so stagnant and still and we are in between assignments. But, you are so right, if we look back and trace His hand and remember where and who we used to be compared to who we are today, we know that the same God Who moved us from that point to this is the same One Who is now moving us from where we are to where we need to be. I am glad you were able to go home and reconnect with your friend and recall, once again, all God has done in your life. So happy to meet you today! I leave here refreshed and encouraged, so, thank you!
Hi Cheryl! I’m so glad you clicked over, too! It’s wonderful to meet you. Thanks for stopping by, and don’t be a stranger!
Bless you Lauren! I never thought about it but it’s true. God is doing a work in you even if you don’t believe in him. WOW! This is so reassuring for me as I pray for my unsaved loved ones. Praise God for using you in this blog to speak to my heart.
Thanks, dear Calvonia! I’m so glad God could use this post to speak to you. Blessings to you!
Precious reminder, Lauren, thank you!! I’ll say thank you I’m not who I was once was, hallelujah, amen, with you! It’s too easy at holidays for some of us to mourn thing past or missed out on, forgetting that the Lord is making all things new, including us. Love your gentle, cheery proclamation here!
Hallelujah, indeed! Blessings and hugs to you, dear Bethany. Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Everything about this post is perfect. I think you wrote it just for me! (Even the mid-west swimmer part)
Thank you so much, Hannah! I’m glad this post could speak to you. 🙂
What a beautiful reminder that God still changes lives! So often we’re (myself included) consumed by the status quo, we forget that God is moving and working according to His perfect will, not ours. Amen that He restores and redeems our brokenness!
I know what you mean, Sarah Ann. Life can get so busy and we can become so self-focused. That’s why we all need to be reminded of God’s truths every single day!
Thank goodness we get to start over every day. Keep the good things, leave behind the bad things!
Amen to that, sister!
I loved you quote that we aren’t who we used to be. That is so powerful. It’s hard to move on when you can’t get out of the past. Great post Lauren!
That quote is a truth I spend every moment of my days thanking God for! So glad it could speak to you, Julie. Have a blessed day!
Love your thoughts on living a good life.
Thank you, Megan!
I definitely needed to hear this today. Sometimes it seems like my life is at a stand-still, but I just have to remember God is still working behind the scenes. Thank you!
I am so glad this post could encourage you, Samantha. Praying that God would move in your heart and strengthen your faith to trust in His perfect timing. <3
What I love about this post is that it’s not simply “happy talk” that blows away like milkweed fluff. This is the timeless truth that is borne out in the Christmas story — and in everything that God has done for me.
Thank you so much, Michele. This is amazing grace, amen?
Lauren, I love that you are my guest today and your words inspire me as usual. Love your heart for the Lord, and your ability to tell the truth without missing the hope. So beautiful!
Dearest Suzie, what a treasure you are. I am so thankful that the Lord brought you into my life, and that we’ve been able to connect a little bit this year. Looking forward to staying connected and cheering one another on in ministry. All glory to God! Love you.
You are just such a sweetheart Lauren. I love how much of an encourager you are! Thank you for all you do!
Your posts are always so inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
So many deep thoughts, Lauren. It’s always good how when we go back God can show us how far we’ve come with him.
Thanks for being such a light Lauren!
Yes, I am so glad God is always working on me! He is not done with us yet. 🙂