The end of summer is always bittersweet. It’s the end of never needing a coat to go outside, grilling out every night, sleeping with the windows open at night and watching fireflies and butterflies flicker their way through the sky. But it’s also the beginning of autumn — my favorite season. The season when Alex and I started dating back in high school; when we got married two years ago; and when the Earth glows with the warmness of the autumn sun and changing leaves.
Before I fall head over heels for all things autumn (pumpkin spice lattes, scarfs, soups and bonfires anyone?), I’m taking a few seconds to reflect on what I learned this summer. And so that’s why today’s post is all about what God’s been teaching me lately. A lot of these lessons are things I already knew to be true, but God used this summer to let the truth sink even deeper into my spirit. I’d love to hear about what he’s been teaching you in the comments! Here’s what I learned this summer.
Summer Lesson #1 – God is good. All the time.
It’s been a rough summer. But from my experiences at She Speaks to a surprise visit from my parents and enjoying my first summer with a dog, God has been so good to me amid the craziness. He has given me great joy every day. He has blessed me with amazing friends (some of whom I met in person for the first time this summer — Kristen, Sarah, Jenni, Emily, Cindy, Melissa, Sue and Suzie I’m talking about you!). He has blessed me with a family that I can continue to count on. He has given me moments of clarity for both my ministry and my book. He has blessed me with a good, good husband who I am so thankful for. And he has blessed me with perfect peace.
Summer Lesson #2 – God can be trusted with every little thing.
Having chronic health issues can give you a lot of reasons not to trust God. You never know how you’re going to feel when you wake up in the morning, or by the end of the day. You never know what new health thing is going to crop up next. You never know if one day you’ll be better, or if you’ll just continue to get worse. But this summer, God has proven that He can be trusted by extending me grace in the middle of new health problems that took eight months to figure out. I can trust God with my life, because He is faithful to provide my every need — even when life is hard.
Summer Lesson #3 – I don’t have to do it all. I just have to do what God’s calling me to.
I’m a doer. I love creating, doing and finishing things. I love checking things off my to-do list just so I can add more things to it. But this summer God showed me that while that drive and energy is a good thing, I still need to be intentional with the time He has given me. I don’t need to fill my schedule with a million things I want to do. I just need to quiet myself and ask God what he wants me to do, then do that thing. It’s OK to say no and let some things go. Because that’s where freedom lives.
Summer Lesson #4 – I don’t have to pick up old baggage.
Back in August, something happened in our community that rocked me to my core. In the weeks following that event, I woke up in the middle of a nightmare with a traumatic flashbacks fresh in my mind of the anxiety attacks I suffered growing up. I felt ashamed for feeling the way I’d felt back then — before I was walking closely with the Lord. Before I started claiming scripture as truth over my life. So ashamed I went to a counselor. “Lauren, you’re not going back there. God has called you into freedom and you can still walk away from this,” my counselor said. In that moment I knew God was using my counselor to reassure me that he hadn’t brought me this far to only let me fall backwards.
God’s not interested in pushing us back — he’s interested in growing us and moving us forward. The past can still rock us, but we don’t have to return to it. We can choose to continue walking in the light and shame the enemy instead of shaming ourselves. After all, we’ve only been given one life to live, so let’s live it like we’ve been set free.
Summer Lessons #5 – I CAN EAT CHEESE!
OK, so this one’s not a God lesson, but after being on the SCD diet for 30 days to correct digestive issues, I discovered that it’s not dairy that’s a problem for me … it’s actually nuts and eggs that are an issue (gluten is also still an issue). In honor of this discovery, today’s recipe is one for Classic Reuben Sandwiches — complete with cheese of course!
I’m learning to let go and just enjoy life as it comes. Not everything can be controlled, life is best when we roll with the unexpected twists and turns and make the best of every situation. Thanks for your insights annnnnd I’ll be making this sandwich very soon!
That’s awesome, Celeste! You’re so right. Enjoy this sandwich, and have a wonderful week!
I love all your lessons that you learned, and that you can eat cheese 🙂 Great recipe.
Cheese makes everything better, don’t you think?! Haha, have a great week, Chrystal!
I agree, the end of summer is always bittersweet for me too. I’ll miss it! Beautiful lessons! Thanks for sharing them. The sandwich looks amazing too!
Thanks, dear Emily! Enjoy!
There is nothing better than a good Reuben! Love!!!! Your lessons are so good, Lauren! And I am shouting a great big AMEN to the fact that Jesus did not bring you this far to let you slip back! Keep on movin’, soldier!:-)
I agree, dear Lori! Jesus never gives up on us, amen?! <3
That reuben looks divine. Now that’s all I want for lunch and I don’t have any of the ingredients! #endlesscravings
Thanks so much, dear Megan!! Next time you’re at the store, load up!
All of the things you learned are perfect, girlfriend! God is truly good! I’m so sorry about all your health problems and I sincerely feel for you. As someone who was sick for years on end, I have nothing but empathy and I continue to keep you in my prayers!! Lots of love always coming your way, sweets! Anyways, yay to sammie twinning!! A classic Reuben Sandwich is one of my all time favorites, ever!!! And yours looks just perfect! Heck yes to cheese!!!! Cheers, lovely! Xoxo
Yes He is! And I’m so thankful to have friends who know what it’s like to be sick (I hope that doesn’t sound weird …) lol, it’s just nice to have friends who can relate. Love you!
What a great deal of learning you have been doing this summer, Lauren!
I love this list!
I think I can most relate to #3 – do what God is calling me to do.
Your life is a blessing to mine~
You are a blessing to me as well, dear Melanie! Thank you!
I loved reading about all you’ve learned this summer. I love the lesson that God wants us to move forwards and grow. With God there’s always a new day, and a fresh start.
How fun that you were able to meet so many friends at She Speaks this year!
Thank you for sharing your heart! You are a blessing!
Amen, Valerie! Thanks for stopping by, and hoping to meet YOU at She Speaks next year. XX
My favourite part of this is what you said about God pushing us forwards not backwards. I’ve often found myself slipping back into my old insecurities and shyness but I know that God has set me free from that and I need to start living in that truth. Yay I’m so glad you can at least enjoy cheese!
You’re not alone in that, Megan. Keep clinging to his truths and claiming them over your life. The enemy has no power over the truth of God’s word. We don’t have to be who we used to be! We are being made new every day. <3
It’s almost midnight and I could definitely go for one of those as a snack! Looks yummy!
Reubens are great no matter what time of day it is, you’ve got that right! Thanks for stopping by, Amanda!
I would be so sad if I discovered I couldn’t eat eggs, but that said…..I’d probably rather give up eggs than cheese….so yippe for you! Thanks for sharing your lessons from the summer and for the shoutout! Hugs to you, friend.
I’m having a food sensitivity test done once and for all next month to confirm my suspicions, but we’ll see. Love you girl!
I’m so glad you’re finding your triggers—-and that you can still eat this amazing sandwich. As always, your post is full of wisdom.
Thanks, Liz. I’m having a food sensitivity test done once and for all next month to confirm my suspicions, but we’ll see. Hugs and blessings to you!!
I really needed to read this — esp the part of being intentional with the time I’ve been given. Thanks babe 🙂
I’m so glad this post could speak to you, dear friend. Have a lovely week!
Such important words. I think we all need to take a page from your book.
Your sandwich looks amazing. I make Reubens all the time because everyone in my family loves them!
Thanks so much, Renee! I hope you have a lovely day!
I love the message of positivity!!
Beautiful post, Lauren. I do see that God is speaking to us about similar issues! And He obviously wants us to both enjoy Reuben sandwiches! We had some Sunday after church. ?
Haha, I love it! Have a blessed day, dear Dianne.
I loved reading about the lessons you learned, Lauren. I think there’s something in there for each one of us to take away. I’m reminded of the song lyrics, from Can’t Give Up Now:
“I just can’t give up now,
I’ve come too far from where I started from
Nobody told me the road would be easy
But I don’t believe you’ve brought me this far to leave me.”
You’ve come far, my friend, much further than where you were and God isn’t about to leave you now!
I just went to listen to that song. Just what I needed! Thank you, dear friend.
Dill! I bet that is perfect in these reubens! Great idea.
Thanks Christie!
Lauren; sister, this is so amazing. I’m really humbled reading this and amazed at God’s glory and goodness and compassion and love for us. <3 God is doing His wondrous works through you, and I'm so thankful we can sing His praises!
I'm praising God that you can eat cheese!
Thanks beautiful! I am continually amazed at the work God is doing in you too! Keeping my fingers crossed we can meet someday. XX
Loved reading these words, Lauren! God truly has blessed you and it amazes me that you can have such a good mindset as this! Keep your head up, girl! Also, I’d like TEN of these gorgeous reubens, please and thanks! xoxo
Bless you, sweet Sarah!! Your words me so much to me.
Well first of all, this reuben sandwich looks amazing!! And “I don’t have to do it all, just what God is calling me to” is exactly the lesson I have been taking to heart this summer. It’s actually the topic in Our Best Yes on Fresh Market Friday today….great minds think alike:)
I’m so thankful God is teaching so many of us this much needed lesson. I believe it’s going to free up our hearts and lives in so many ways!!
Happy Alice Choi tweeted this and that I happened to read it! What a truly good post, with a good message, inspiration, and path. Wishing you many continued Blessings!
So nice to meet you Peggy and thanks so much for stopping by!! Have a lovely week!